Surface Treatment with (Organic Solvent or ‘Micro-emulsion’) Insecticidal Fluid (STIF)
All accessible timbers (ie not those hidden by being buried in masonry, etc) should be exposed by the removal of floorboards at suitable intervals, or other coverings, where this is deemed necessary and must be dusted down (if needed) sufficient to allow fluid penetration, and treated by the application of an organic solvent borne insecticidal fluid at our recommended concentration. All floors or other timbers must be re-laid, or replaced where structurally unsound. Any wiring, junction boxes, water tanks, insulated piping etc, must be protected during the course of treatment. Where treatment is extended to joinery timbers, the details of removal or treatment must be individually specified in the report.
This Treatment A is suitable for all the common wood-boring insects (except the Wood Boring Weevil) together with suitable modifications where the following insects are found:
The House longhorn beetle will in addition require supplementary works involving the removal of all defective sapwood (the outer part of the original tree), together with supplementary strengthening of these timbers to comply with the given strength requirement. Treatment of existing timbers and cut ends of new CCA-treated timbers must be carried out.
The Deathwatch beetle treatment may include several successive annual smoke canister applications of insecticide during the `flight season’, together with the selective drilling of large dimension timbers to apply the fluid directly to the site of the attack and also the use of preservative pastes.
Our client’s attention is drawn to our Conditions of Contract, a copy of which is issued prior to contract. Our leaflet `A Description of Treatment Techniques’ provides particulars of the above general specifications.